Sex Slave

How My Manager Used Me As a Sex Slave

The time had come. I’m 35, and I need to be a mother. I’ve generally wanted kids. It’s recently too awful one needs a man so as to have one. One needs a lady, as well, clearly. In any case, since...

BY SexyLady
Published on 05-10-2017
2292 views, 0 comments

best orgasm

My One Night Sex Partner

I am a young girl who loves adventure and have always had this sexual fantasies that I want to fulfill before I graduate from college. I am currently in college without a boyfriend even though I love weird adventurous life I still...

BY SexyLady
Published on 20-09-2017
1034 views, 0 comments

Old Sexy Lecturer

Raining Day With My Old Lecturer

Windshield wipers immediately swiped off the rain as it hit the SUV driving not far off. There was not a single car to be seen as he drove down the quiet road home. After a couple of miles he could see...

BY SexyLady
Published on 10-09-2017
1009 views, 0 comments

Boring Sex

Amazing Fuck After Many Years Of Enduring Boring Sex

Sarah had been anticipating this conference for as far back as a half year – she had been elevated to chief of her organization’s promoting division. She was anticipating meeting some of her new associates in different organizations, sharpening her initiative...

BY SexyLady
Published on 05-09-2017
1344 views, 0 comments

special masseur

Wonderful Day With The Masseur

Around two weeks back, I had said to an associate of mine that I was encountering snugness in my neck and shoulders, and general soreness everywhere on my body. I had as of late begun consistently preparing for distance running, with...

BY SexyLady
Published on 30-08-2017
1362 views, 0 comments

Used Her Assets

Girl Who Used Her Assets To Avoid Sack

Being a Personal Assistant for Mr. Stark can be extremely difficult and tasking. He was an extremely busy man and this implied I was normally busy as well. I ensured his timetables were all around masterminded and I dealt with such...

BY SexyLady
Published on 27-08-2017
2544 views, 0 comments