Sexy night with a hot stranger

Amazing Sexy Night With a Hot Stranger

The fervor energized Moses’s exposed body, as he lay on the bed. As cool as the sheets were, his penis was scorching with anticipation. He’d just barely met this lady – no names – and, here he was, blindfolded and prepared...

BY SexyLady
Published on 25-08-2017
1628 views, 0 comments

Best reunion with my old time girl

Best Reunion With My Old Time Girl

“There she is, man! I can’t believe she came. Look at her, fella. Damn! She’s is still hot as fire damn!” I looked and saw her strolling in alone and figured, “How did I have given her a chance to have...

BY SexyLady
Published on 23-08-2017
2525 views, 0 comments

My Moroccan Angel

I am a  35-year-old Spanish man with my own carefully considered, altogether skeptical ideas of morals… morals that, while modern and unbending in their own specific manner, allowed me to cheat on my wife, whom I cherished profoundly. Rarely, and specifically…...

BY SexyLady
Published on 15-08-2017
1777 views, 0 comments

My Love For Money Is Making Me Fuck My Boyfriend’s Dad

Daniel and I had been dating for around 8 months before I got the opportunity to meet his dad. We hung out at his home more often than not, yet as things were getting very serious, we started talking about marriage...

BY SexyLady
Published on 10-08-2017
2286 views, 0 comments

Abraham Lucky Day In Office

Abraham was a quiet gentle man who just got separated with his wife some couple of months back, He worked in an organization that deals with the production of papers and printing. Jim is in the late 50’s but he looks...

BY SexyLady
Published on 06-08-2017
1973 views, 0 comments

The Amazing Road Trip

Work has been stressful of late, and my loving wife is staying in a different town from where I work. I normally shuttle to her place every weekend to get some sweet, sweet loving.  I love my wife so much that...

BY SexyLady
Published on 04-08-2017
1425 views, 0 comments